Mind-Brain-Body Center

A Specialty Clinic for Biobehavioral Health

Mindpath Health’s Mind-Brain-Body Center treats and manages stress-related mind-body interactions that can lead to chronic physical symptoms and conditions. These include but are not limited to functional neurologic and somatic symptom disorders, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, or stress from or contributing to illnesses such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

We help patients experiencing

  • Stress-induced functional seizures
  • Unexplained dizziness
  • Loss of sensation or feeling
  • Chronic pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Stress factors affecting physical illnesses

These symptoms can create significant anxiety in a patient, especially if they lack a medical explanation.

Discover the
Mind-Brain-Body Connection

The experience of stress can overwhelm our senses, making it difficult to manage our brain’s response. The Mind-Brain-Body Center’s team of clinicians teach patients skills to “turn down” the volume of their stress response. The goal is to educate patients about the mind-body connection, help reduce physical symptoms, and improve their quality of life.

Meet the Mind-Brain-Body Center Team

Dory Simonsen, LCSW
Psychotherapy Program Director

Program Coordinator: Jessica Wallace

woman sitting on floor in front of couch, using laptop, with dog asleep on couch

What to Expect

Individuals come to the Mind-Brain-Body Center by self-referral or by another healthcare provider. They are screened by our intake coordinator and then receive an evaluation by one of our psychiatrists who gives treatment recommendations. Our program includes medication management (upon evaluation of needs) and individual and group therapy. If clients already have a medication or therapy provider, we collaborate with them.

Clients will participate in weekly skills groups consisting of education about mind-brain-body interactions, tracking triggers, and learning behavioral skills. Skills include relaxation and mindfulness techniques, meditation, cognitive reframing, and body awareness.

Mind-Brain-Body Skills Group Topics

purple cartoon outline of person's head

Self-observation, validation, and acceptance

purple cartoon house outline with map location pin inside

physical symptoms

Our Team

Mind-Body Syndrome and
Somatic Symptom Disorder



Development of Mind-Brain-Body connections 


Group sessions are currently held
Mondays at 4:00 p.m. EST and Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. EST.

Curious about the
Mind-Brain-Body Center?

Contact Mindpath Health at 877-876-3783 to find out if you are a good candidate for Mind-Brain-Body Center services.

A smiling woman on the bus uses a cell phone