Surprise! Warm weather months can affect our mood just as much as wintery ones. In this Verywell Mind article, Mindpath Health’s Julian Lagoy, MD, talks about how seasonal affective disorder can sneak up — even during the summer.
Temperatures rise in the summer months — but so can anxiety levels. An online poll carried out by found that 73% of respondents have more symptoms of anxiety during the summer, and experts believe there are various factors at play.
Some people find that their mood habitually dips in the lead-up to summer, while others may have concerns about spikes in COVID-19 cases during warmer weather. Here are some of the reasons you might experience heightened anxiety during the sunny season.
Seasonal affective disorder
Most of us probably associate seasonal affective disorder (SAD) with winter, and indeed it’s much more common during the latter part of the year.
But SAD is defined as a type of depression related to changes in seasons, and some people experience it in the spring or early summer, per the National Institute of Mental Health.
Summer-onset seasonal affective disorder is sometimes called summer-pattern SAD or summer depression. Symptoms may include trouble sleeping, poor appetite, weight loss, agitation or anxiety, and increased irritability.
“Summer is a very unique time of the year when a lot of people tend to travel and partake in outdoor activities. This change in circumstance can cause some people to go out of their comfort zones, and also make some people particularly anxious,” says Julian Lagoy, MD, a psychiatrist with Mindpath Health.
Sunshine is often celebrated for its mood-boosting effects, but some people may become anxious when they get too much sun.
There’s a scientific reason for this—too much sunlight switches off the production of melatonin, the hormone that powers the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle (known as the circadian rhythm). If someone has summer SAD, they may find it difficult to sleep as much as they need to.
Additionally, hotter temperatures during summer may increase anxiety and irritability in people with summer SAD.
Summer and climate anxiety
Climate anxiety is when someone feels nervous or worried regarding the consequences of climate change and its effect on the future of this planet, explains Lagoy.
While there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence about climate change anxiety (CCA), there are few empirical studies to date and therefore a shortage of evidence on any link between CCA and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Also, the majority of the research focuses on children and young people.
If you feel anxious about climate change during summer, Lagoy suggests taking part in activities or making lifestyle changes that will make a difference, from switching your vehicle to an electric or clean model to joining a local environmental organization, where you’ll meet others who share your concerns.
Lingering COVID-19 worries
For many people, gone are the carefree days of summer travel, whether that’s international vacations or local day trips. The COVID-19 pandemic has provoked anxiety around summer activities, notes Carol Winner, MPH, public health expert and founder of social distancing brand Give Space.
Ways to manage COVID-19-related summer anxiety include watching your sleep patterns, staying hydrated and out of the intense sun, and enhancing communications with family and friends, says Winner.
FOMO (fear of missing out) is more than a digital buzzword. A study led by Oxford University in the UK found that feelings of FOMO can have a negative impact on both general mood and overall life satisfaction.
These feelings are exacerbated by increased awareness—through social media—of how our friends and family (and people we don’t know but follow online) are spending their time.
Lagoy thinks FOMO increases during the summer because of social media, with many people doing exciting things like traveling and taking vacations, and eagerly documenting every moment on their social platforms.
Simply engaging in social activities with other people will help lessen FOMO during the summer months, Lagoy says.
Summer anxiety can come in different forms, but it’s helpful to remember that there are always ways to cope.
Read the full Verywell Mind article with sources.
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